Monday, August 4, 2014

Difference Maker

"People who really want to make a difference in the world usually do it, in one way or another. And I've noticed something about people who make a difference in the world: They hold the unshakable conviction that individuals are extremely important, that every life matters." - Katie Davis

So, I recently finished the book Kisses From Katie, and I can honestly say that it is the best and most life-changing book I have ever read. It took me months to actually finish it, because I didn't want it to end. It helped to confirm that God is calling me into missions. It also taught me that you have to experience the poverty first-hand to truly get it. I had started the book before I left for Nicaragua, and I felt sad for the people Katie was helping in Uganda, and I knew someone needed to do something. But when I returned from Nicaragua and read more, I was heartbroken. I could understand the pain the Ugandans were going through because I had seen the same pain in Nicaragua. Then I knew I was someone and I could do something about it. Wherever God sends me, I am ready to go. I am willing to leave behind the luxurious life of America. I might not be ready to let go of Chick-fil-A and Starbucks, but I AM ready to spread the gospel.

Unfortunately, even if I am ready, I am a junior in high school, so I can't really go to a foreign country for the long-term. However, what God has recently been really trying to get me to understand is that everywhere is a missions field. I don't have to go to a different country to share the hope of Jesus. I can do it in school, in my neighborhood, in my community, and in my own house. I am bad about even showing my parents how grateful I am for all they've given me. I could do SO much more to help out around the house and show my thanks.

Here is a picture of Shelby and me with all of our bagged up cookies! 
Last week, God gave me the idea to take cookies to my neighbors. I was thinking, "Okay God, this is gonna be awkward considering I haven't seen some of them since Halloween 3 or 4 years ago.. But I love making cookies, so I'll do it!" So my friend Shelby came over and we spent three hours baking a double batch of chocolate chip cookies in my kitchen! We made over 100 cookies and bagged up 10 plates of them. Later, we took them to the neighbors, and for the ones that weren't home, we left a sticky note on them and put them in their mailbox. For some reason, I knew in my head that someone was going to invite us in to talk and sure enough, someone did! Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland invited us in, and we caught up and talked about life for at least 30 minutes! It was great getting to talk to someone that we hadn't seen in a few years. Mrs. Cleveland had both her knees replaced a month before, so she had been stuck in the house, so she really appreciated our company. A lot of our neighbors weren't home, but a few days later, I received three thank you notes in the mail. They were so sweet and touching! I really feel like we made an impact, just on our street! One couple said that they had been watching the news and remarked that the whole world seems to be at odds, and after opening the door and finding the cookies, it showed them that there is still a lot of goodness in people. It makes me so happy to be doing work for God's Kingdom and for His glory!

We don't need to try to change the whole world, because that just can't happen. But, like Katie Davis said, every single person matters. "If one person sees the love of Christ in me, it is worth it every minute. In fact, it is worth spending my life for." I challenge you along with myself to show Jesus' love in some way this week. School is starting next week for me, and I'm challenging myself to really be the hands and feet of Jesus every day. All it takes is a simple act of kindness, like a compliment or an invitation to hang out. I pray that whoever reads this takes on this simple challenge of love.

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